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A practical guide to React.useCallback hook · During interviews, I've brought up React.useCallback several times. Almost everyone knew the answer to the...
What we know is a drop, what we don't know is an ocean. · Until we die, we are all students. Every now and then, we are taken aback by something new that...
How many times in your professional career have you felt that you knew something, but when you needed to explain it to someone or came across an...
Saving someone’s time is the best thing to do and one should be proud of it. · Have you ever considered whom do you review code for? Author, of the...
Programming languages are classified in a variety of ways. One method for classifying languages based on their characteristics is the programming...
When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail. · It's nearly impossible to find a JavaScript developer who hasn't used [].map(). But I have...